Ghana Football Set To Return In February

Published on: 15 January 2019


Ghana Football is set to return in February after the Premier League clubs reached a consensus with the GFA Normalisation Committee on Tuesday.

Public Relations Officer (PRO) for Ghana Premier League Clubs confirmed this in an interview with the media after a successful meeting with the Normalization Committee.

The four-member committee is chaired by Dr.Kofi Amoah.

"We had a fruitful discussion with the Normalization Committee and we have reached a certain level".

"We are happy with the new terms, arrangements and the format of the play has been altered. Other concerns that we had also, has been addressed so we are happy that we will be returning to the pitch on the February 3", he added.

The new arrangement will have Ghana's FA Normalization Committee reschedule the launch of the Special Football League slated to kickoff January 26.

These are the outcome from the meeting:

1. The petition for restructuring of the Stracture upheld.

2. The Committee agrees to write cheques in the name of the winner and runner-ups, so they can pay the monies to thier team after presenting a list of Players and Technical team.

3. They agreed to maintain the old structure of gate sharing , 20% to the FA and 80% to the home team. Home take all.

4. They ask us to anticipate more sponsors ,then they can do something about it.

Waiting for the New Stracture ,where the tier 1 Premier gets the right to play in Caf Champion league and Teir 2 comprasing Premier and Division One.


Story Kolog Bonaventure

