Published on: 29 April 2022

Luciano Spalletti stressed that Napoli must remain focused on achieving their initial target for the season, which is to qualify for next season's Champions League, going into the last four games of the season.

The boss was speaking to the media ahead of Saturday's match against Sassuolo, in the wake of a disappointing defeat to Empoli last weekend.

"[Aurelio] De Laurentiis has come along to training and having him around always gives us added motivation,” the coach explained. “He understands the situation, he's spoken to everyone and we're ready to go again as a united team that wants to achieve our target for the season, which is to qualify for the Champions League.”

Where do you see your future?

“I'm very happy in this city and at this club. I have a two-year contract so I don't see any problem. The future is tomorrow's match.

"We're not happy about what happened last week. We had a great opportunity and no one within the team or the club is happy. But we must look forward now and focus on getting into the Champions League.

“I thought we could win the Scudetto. This team is good enough for it but we dropped a few too many points that we didn't deserve to. We've played some excellent football for long spells of the season. We have to accept the results but we mustn't forget that we're still in the running for the Champions League – and have been since day one – and we're still above some top teams.”

(Photo LaPresse)

