It's about time Hearts of Oak and Asante Kotoko own their stadium - Bashir Hayford

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Image caption Bashir Hayford

Heart of Lions coach, Bashir Hayford has issued a stern warning to Kotoko and Hearts of Oak, advising them to prioritize acquiring their own stadium facilities if they aim to dominate the domestic league once again.


The two Ghanaian football powerhouses currently use the Baba Yara and Accra Sports Stadia as their home venues.

Hayford, known for his outspoken nature, argues that relying on state-owned facilities puts Kotoko and Hearts at a disadvantage.

He believes that such venues, like the Baba Yara Stadium and Accra Sports Stadium, function almost like neutral grounds for other clubs.

According to the former Kotoko boss, the lack of consistent training opportunities on state-owned facilities and the security and other conditions present there create a more level playing field for opponents.

In contrast, clubs with private stadiums often intimidate opposing teams and referees, affecting the fairness of the game.


“As Ghanaians, we must learn to tell the truth, it will be very difficult for teams who do not have their own stadium facility to win the league,” he told Akoma FM.

"Kotoko and Hearts of Oak don’t play at their own venues, but the likes of Samatex, Nsoatreman and Bechem all play at their own stadium facility."

He pointed out that while Kotoko and Hearts play at state-owned venues, teams like Samatex, Nsoatreman, and Bechem have their own stadium facilities.

Hayford highlighted the challenges faced by visiting teams at privately-owned facilities, where intimidation and referee bias are common.

“When you travel to these privately owned facilities, you really go through a lot of intimidation and the referees can’t be independent. Your chances of winning at such private venues are very slim, unlike the state-owned venues like Accra and Kumasi where security is assured and level playing grounds exist for all competing teams. Hearts and Kotoko must get their own stadium, otherwise winning the league will become difficult," he added.