GFA wishes Asamoah Gyan a happy birthday

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The Ghana Football Association (GFA) has extended a happy birthday message to legendary striker Asamoah Gyan who turns 34 years today.


Gyan, born on November 22, 1985, turns 34 today as he continues his football career at NorthEast United.

The lethal forward started off his career at Ghana Premier League side Liberty Professionals before subsequently moving abroad to play in Italy, France, England, China, as well as the United Arab Emirates.

On his 34th birthday, the GFA through a post on their official Twitter page has wished him all the best.

“Happy Birthday ????? Asamoah Gyan. Have a good one ‘LeGyan’”, the post read.


The former Sunderland attacker is Ghana all-time leading goal scorer and also boasts of the record holder for the only African player with 6 FIFA World Cup goals.

Following a stellar career which continues in the Indian Super League, Gyan is being celebrated all over today.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Happy Birthday ????? <a href="">@ASAMOAH_GYAN3</a> <br><br>Have a good one ‘LeGyan’ ? <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Ghana Football Association (@ghanafaofficial) <a href="">November 22, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>